In recent years, laser hair removal has become the most popular choice for people who want to eliminate unwanted body hair. The treatment uses a laser to heat and effectively destroy hair follicles in the treated area without affecting the surrounding cells or any other follicles.

But even with the widespread success and popularity of laser treatments, the experts who staff our London cosmetic clinic are still sometimes asked whether or not the treatment is safe. In today's blog post, we will put this question to bed once and for all.

Laser hair removal

Image by Svdmolen

In a nutshell: yes, laser hair removal is safe, as long as the treatment is administered by a qualified clinician. Here at Dr Leah Clinics, we use a laser treatment called Soprano ICE, which uses award-winning technology to permanently remove your unwanted hair. It is the latest version of the renowned Soprano hair removal laser, and more importantly, clinical tests have shown that Soprano ICE is completely safe. It is also pain-free, and suitable for all skin types.

As with any treatment, some Soprano ICE patients do experience side effects (including redness and itchiness in the treatment area), but these are quite minor and usually subside shortly afterwards. We cannot vouch for other clinics and the treatments that they use, but we have enough confidence in our own methods to say that, yes, laser hair removal is completely safe for both male and female patients.

To book a hair removal treatment at our cosmetic clinic in Moorgate, please visit our Laser Hair Removal page. You will also find before/after photos and a comprehensive price list.

Alternatively, click here to return to the Dr Leah homepage and learn about our other treatments, including anti-wrinkle injections, facial fillers, and non-surgical liposuction.


Anti-wrinkle injections is the most popular anti-wrinkle treatment in the world, and quite possibly the most popular cosmetic treatment in general. It is an incredibly effective means of smoothing out wrinkles and achieving a more youthful appearance; with that said, anti-wrinkle injection isn't right for everyone, and in this blog post, we will aim to answer some of the questions that people most commonly ask about this treatment.

Q: What are the side effects of Anti-wrinkle injections?
A: The most common side effect is a mild bruising on the injection site. Patients may also experience some headaches after the treatment, but these tend to subside within 24 hours.

Q: How long does Anti-wrinkle injections last?
A: The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes. The results will last for 3-4 months; after this period has elapsed, patients may come back to the clinic for another anti-wrinkle injection treatment.

Q: How much does Anti-wrinkle injections cost?
A: This depends on the clinic; if you visit the Dr Leah anti-wrinkle injection clinic in London, a 1-area treatment will cost you £199.

Q: How old do you have to be to get Anti-wrinkle injections?
A: This is a controversial issue, and once again, the answer depends on which clinic you visit. The Dr Leah clinic never administers anti-wrinkle injections to teenagers, and we always recommend a consultation session before deciding on a particular treatment. The best time to get a anti-wrinkle injection treatment is when you notice that frown lines and other 'dynamic' lines are becoming permanent, which usually occurs in a person's early 30s.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Anti-wrinkle injections?
A: Yes. You may prefer to use facial fillers to smooth wrinkles and achieve that plumper, more youthful look; alternatively, if you don't like injections, our microdermabrasion treatments offer noticeable rejuvenation without any needles.

The Dr Leah Anti-wrinkle injection clinic is located near Liverpool Street in London. Click here for contact details, or visit our Anti-wrinkle injections page to learn more.

Facial filler

Dermal fillers are gels that can be used to smooth out unwanted facial wrinkles and create a plump, youthful appearance. One treatment produces results that are visible immediately, and last for roughly 6-9 months.

We offer a range of anti-wrinkle treatments here at Dr Leah Clinics, and our dermal fillers (also known as facial fillers) have proven to be particularly effective. Our dermal filler treatments start from £225 click here to book your dermal filler treatment now, or keep reading to learn more...

What gels are used as facial fillers?
There are many different dermal filler gels available, though we at Dr Leah Clinics always use Juvéderm®, a natural hyaluronic gel that leads the market and gives outstanding results in a variety of different areas (including the cheeks, nose, and lips).

Does it hurt?
Before injecting the dermal filler gel, your clinician will apply a local anaesthetic to numb the area in question. This makes the procedure practically painless.

Are there any side effects dermal fillers?
Some patients notice a mild swelling/soreness after receiving the facial filler treatment, but this is temporary and usually subsides shortly afterwards. If improperly administered, the treatment can result in more serious complications, such as infections or allergic reactions, but the medical experts at Dr Leah Clinics take all necessary precautions to ensure that these situations do not arise.

Is the treatment reversible?
Yes, our dermal filler treatment is fully reversible.

Visit our Facial Filler page for more information about this safe and extremely effective anti-wrinkle treatment.


Cryolipolysis – commonly known as ‘fat freezing’ – is a form of non-surgical liposuction that can be used to break down unwanted fat. This painless, non-invasive weight loss treatment has become extremely popular in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why: cryolipolysis is less risky than traditional liposuction, and only one treatment is needed to achieve visible results.

Here at Dr Leah Clinics, we are frequently asked about the fat freezing procedure and how it can help people to lose weight. In this blog post, we will endeavour to answer some of the most common queries.

How does it work?
As the name implies, fat freezing works by crystallising unwanted fat cells, causing them to die and leave the body. During your cryolipolysis treatment, one of our specialists will place the fat freezing device on a specific part of your body (your stomach, for example). This will lower the temperature in this localised area, causing nearby fat cells to solidify and die whilst leaving other cells unharmed.

Once the procedure has been completed, your body will eventually flush out the dead fat cells, leaving the treated area looking slimmer and more toned.

Will I see the results straight away?
No. The body takes a little while to get rid of those dead cells, and the slimming effect of a non-surgical lipo procedure like this usually doesn't become apparent until 12 weeks later.

How long does the procedure take?
Roughly 45 minutes. Since there is no recovery time for cryolipolysis, this means that you can have a weight loss treatment in your lunch hour and then go straight back to work.

Are there any side effects?
Some patients experience some slight bruising and/or numbness after the cryolipolysis procedure, but this typically subsides within 10 days. Note that even non-surgical liposuction procedures are not suitable for pregnant/breastfeeding women.

Click here to see prices and book your fat freezing treatment with online!

Creating the Dr Leah clinic itself was, for me, one of the most rewarding achievements of all. We had a fantastic contractor who undertook the renovation of the premises that we acquired. I have never undertaken building works or renovation before, so I was amazed to see the change.

Take a look at these pictures:

The Dr Leah Clinic in London, before and after renovations were made 

It took some time and there was lots of dust, stress and tears (who knew builders were so emotional?) but it was definitely worth it! The new clinic is exactly how I imagined it would be, and when I go into it every day I feel happy and excited. I hope my patients will, too.