Dr Leah Clinic is known as one of the top clinics for dermal filler in London and Essex, as a multi-award-winning clinic, we take a ‘less-is-more approach when it comes to dermal filler. Dr Leah Clinics objective is to make you look your best self and we are skilled at subtly using dermal filler to take you back to how you looked several years ago – without making it look like you have had 'work done.'
Lower face fillers can be used to rejuvenate the lower face appearance through:
- Removing fine lines and wrinkles
- Treating thin lips by increasing lip size or correcting uneven lips by correcting lip shape with dermal filler
- Filling smokers lines to stop lipstick from bleeding
- Treating deep nose to mouth folds
- Marionette lines filler for deep folds on the lower face and downturned mouth corners.
- Fillers for jowls and Jawline filler to help lift the sagging jowl area and sharpen the lower face line (if jowls are significant then silhouette soft thread lift plus dermal filler is likely to be required)