Procedure Time
20-30 minutes (estimated)
Back to Work
30 minutes – 24 hours (depends on area treated and individual factors)
Final result
Two weeks after the treatment
Numbing cream and local anaesthetic can be used.
Immediately visible*
Duration of results:
9-18 months depending on the type of filler used
Risks & Complications
Asymmetry, infections, bruises, swelling, allergic reactions

Dermal filler London and Essex treatments for the lower face

Dr Leah Clinic is known as one of the top clinics for dermal filler in London and Essex, as a multi-award-winning clinic, we take a ‘less-is-more approach when it comes to dermal filler. Dr Leah Clinics objective is to make you look your best self and we are skilled at subtly using dermal filler to take you back to how you looked several years ago – without making it look like you have had 'work done.'


Lower face fillers can be used to rejuvenate the lower face appearance through:

  • Removing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Treating thin lips by increasing lip size or correcting uneven lips by correcting lip shape with dermal filler
  • Filling smokers lines to stop lipstick from bleeding
  • Treating deep nose to mouth folds
  • Marionette lines filler for deep folds on the lower face and downturned mouth corners.
  • Fillers for jowls and Jawline filler to help lift the sagging jowl area and sharpen the lower face line (if jowls are significant then silhouette soft thread lift plus dermal filler is likely to be required)






Lower Face Dermal Filler Before and After


Lower Face Dermal Filler Before and After
Lower Face Dermal Filler Before and After


Lower Face Dermal Filler Before and After

Dermal filler lower face video


Face filler (also known as Dermal filler) is a clear gel injected into the face to treat a concern; it acts like plasticine to fill the area, smoothing it out.

At Dr Leah Clinic, we use only the safest and highest quality hyaluronic acid fillers, which are FDA approved; we do not use permanent dermal fillers; we use hyaluronic acid fillers from the dermal filler range. These fillers are made from naturally occurring hyaluronic acid and easy to inject, and do not leave lumps. The fillers we use are fully reversible and can be easily removed if required.

We have an extensive range of fillers that vary in thickness and can therefore be used to treat different areas and concerns. The key things which affect the outcome of a dermal filler treatment are:

  • The quality of the dermal filler used,
  • The amount of dermal filler used
  • How it is administered

This is why it is important to seek out a reputable dermal filler clinic that uses a high-quality product and has experienced doctors who can determine which dermal filler you need, how much of the product you need and the correct way in which it should be injected.





How can face fillers improve my lower face?

With age, your face may start to look "pulled down". Your mouth corners may have turned down and deep nose-to-mouth lines or marionette folds may make your face look older. Your lipstick may start also start to bleed as the lip-line is no longer intact. You may look sad due to these changes – dermal filler is a quick and easy way to reverse these changes in a natural-looking way.

Dermal filler can be used in the lower face to:

  • Lift the lower face
  • Smooth and lift the lower face with jawline filler and fillers for jowls
  • Fill nose to mouth lines - to soften their appearance - they will not be gone, but they will be less noticeable, and the eye will not be drawn to them.
  • Fill mouth lines to soften their appearance - they will not be gone, but they will be less noticeable, and the eye will not be drawn to them.
  • Correct downturned mouth corners with marionette lines filler - Dermal filler can be injected into under-mouth corners to act as a scaffolding to hold the mouth corners up.
  • Treat lines around the mouth with fillers for smokers' lines.
  • Re-define lip line to prevent lipstick from bleeding - A very thin water-like dermal filler can be used to treat lines on the upper lip and to re-define the lip line again, which still stops your lipstick from bleeding into the lines but will not give you a 'trout pout.'





Lower Face Dermal Filler Reviews

Here’s what our clients have to say…
I smoked in the past and hated how my lipstick had began to bleed into the lines around my lips, I knew I needed to treat it but I was worried about having a ‘trout pout’ or anyone knowing I had fillers so put off having this done for years, I wish I had had it sooner! I had a thin filler treatment and now I have my lip-line back! I don’t look like I have had filler, I just have a better lip line and the lines on my top lip are so much better! Should have done this years ago! Thank you so much.

Debbie, 47
I noted that for the last few years my mouth corners were down and I looked miserable (even though I wasn’t), I had lower face fillers at Dr Leah Clinic and instantly my mouth corners were not pulled down anymore. This is an amazing treatment, highly recommend!

Lisa, 55

Treatment Price

Dermal Filler 2
Smokers lines
Dermal Filler 2 plus Dermal Filler smile
Smokers lines plus subtle lip volume restoration
Dermal Filler 4
Nose to mouth lines
Dermal Filler Volift
Nose to mouth lines (Additional syringe if required £370, within 4 weeks )
Dermal Filler 4
Marionette lines / turn up downturned mouth corners
Dermal Filler Volift
Marionette lines / turn up downturned mouth corners

To view our full price list, please click here


What does this procedure involve?

• You will make an appointment for a dermal filler London or Essex consultation with one of our cosmetic doctors; on the day, your cosmetic doctor will listen to your concerns and then examine your face. They will advise which dermal filler you need and how many syringes you will require to get the desired result.
• If you wish to go ahead on the day, then numbing cream will be applied, your pre-treatment photographs will be taken, and written consent will be obtained.
• Your doctor will then inject small quantities of filler into the areas you require treatment; this takes just a matter of minutes and is not painful as the dermal filler we use contains a built-in anaesthetic.
• The effects are instant, and you will immediately see an improvement.
• You will have some mild swelling and injection marks on the skin, and for this reason, we would not advise returning to work immediately after; most clients are OK to return to everyday life the day after treatment.
• You cannot put any makeup or products over the area treated for 12 hours; you should avoid blood thinners including alcohol that day and sleep on several pillows that night to reduce swelling.

Does dermal filler treatment hurt?

Not really – We will generally apply a numbing cream to numb the skin, and the filler we use has a built-in anaesthetic, which makes this procedure relatively painless.

What results can I expect from dermal filler?

Smoothed-out lines and wrinkles, instantly making your face look fresher and younger. Most patients only require one treatment, and the results last between 6- 18 months depending on the area treated and type of filler used- during your consultation, your doctor will be able to advise how long your dermal filler may last.

Are dermal fillers safe?

Dermal fillers are safe as long as they are high-quality filler and administered by a medical professional.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are made from naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid and over time the filler will slowly dissolve (causing no harm to you). However, you should not have fillers if you are pregnant/breastfeeding or have severe allergies.

Is dermal filler permanent?

No – dermal filler used at Dr Leah Clinics will dissolve itself within 6-18 months, and you will return to normal. The dermal filler we use is also dissolvable using hyalase if required and can be clinically justified.

Will I experience any side effects from dermal filler treatment?

Most side effects are mild and temporary, e.g., redness, pain, and swelling. A full list of possible side effects will be discussed at your face-to-face consultation.

What should I do after my dermal filler treatment?

• Refrain from touching or rubbing the filled area for 12 hours after treatment
• Do not apply makeup or creams to the area injected for 12 hours
• Do not exercise for 12 hours
• Avoid blood-thinning medications for 24 hours
• Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
• You may need to sleep on your back so as not to squash the dermal filler if you have cheek filler
• You should sleep with 2 or 3 pillows on the night you have dermal filler to reduce swelling


SARS –COV-2 (Covid –19 infection), as well as the Covid –19 vaccinations, are both highly challenging to our immune system by over-stimulating its response. Therefore both (Covid-19 infection, as well as the vaccine) can lead to complications after injection. Nodules and local reactions can occur within weeks, months, or even years after the treatment when our immune system is challenged. So far generally there is a low incidence of such cases reported. Your safety is paramount to us and therefore we are advising you the following: Do not have Dermal Filler, Profhilo, or anti-wrinkle injections injections 2 weeks before your planned vaccination or 3 weeks after. If you have been infected with Covid-19, do not have Dermal filler, Profhilo, or anti-wrinkle injections injections for the first 3 weeks of being symptom-free. If you develop any symptoms after the treatments, please contact our Clinics immediately. Our doctors will advise you further. As medical practitioners, our doctors can prescribe the necessary medication if required.

At Dr Leah Clinics, you’re in safe hands

Meet the Dr Leah Clinics Team

Dr Leah Totton
Medical Director
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Associate Medical Director
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Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Cian McLoughlin
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Dara-Chameli Seebaran Suite
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Head Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Shirin Hussain
Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Gold Safety in Beauty WinnerGold QCQ awardBCAMMost trusted cosmetic clinic 2023
*Results may vary from person to person

Remote Skin Consultation

Our skin therapist will respond via email within 2 working days with a suitable recommendation for you. Please note that doctor treatments e.g. injectables, aqualyx, thread lift, mole removal consultations are not available via remote consultation and require a face to face appointment. Call 0207 877 5999 to book a consultation with one of expert doctors today.
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