Verruca and wart removal is available at our Baker Street Clinic, performed by our experienced skin doctor in one simple appointment.

We operate a ‘see and treat’ service – where deemed appropriate, warts can be removed at the same appointment and you can return to normal daily life straight after.

What causes warts?

Warts are rough skin growths commonly found on hands and feet and they are contagious. Warts can also occur elsewhere on the body such as face, trunk or legs.

Warts are a common skin condition and while they are generally not harmful, visible lumps and warts may make you feel self-conscious and they can be annoying if they keep getting caught on your clothing. For this reason may clients seek out wart removal treatment.

How to remove warts?

Our expert skin doctors are highly experienced in performing verruca and wart removal treatments- they will be able to assess your wart during the consultation and determine how best to remove it.

Dr Leah Clinic treatment options for wart removal include:

  • Cryotherapy (freezing) - For small warts, freezing is the best method of wart removal. Liquid nitrogen is sprayed on to the wart and it then blisters and falls off normally after a few days. For resistant warts you may need to file down the wart at home and apply occlusal cream to complete the wart removal.
  • Electrocautery (burning) - The wart area is numbed and the wart is burned off leaving a wound that will take 1-2 weeks to heal.
  • Surgery (cutting) - For larger warts or warts that have failed to respond to other removal methods cutting the wart out may be the best option, this involves our doctor numbing the area and using a scalpel to dissect out the wart. Leaving a mark from the removal for 1-2 weeks.

Please contact Dr Leah Clinics to book your consultation.

Wart Removal london Reviews

Here’s what our clients have to say…
I had tried all of the home treatments to remove my hand warts as I felt self conscious of them, but nothing worked, I had hand wart removal at Dr Leah Baker street clinic, it was affordable to straight forward and my warts are gone!

Sadiq, 31

Treatment Price

Consultation for wart removal (non redeemable /non refundable)
Consultation for genital wart removal (non redeemable /non refundable)
See and Treat Wart Removal (1-2)
See and Treat Wart Removal (3-4)
See and Treat Wart Removal (5-6)
Genital wart Removal (1-2) does not include consultation fee
Genital wart Removal (3-4) does not include consultation fee

To view our full price list, please click here

Wart removal London – FAQS

Which areas can I have warts removed?

Doctor Leah Clinic offer facial wart removal, hand wart removal, foot wart removal (verruca removal) and removal of warts on the trunk or limbs.

How will you remove my wart?

The wart removal process is fairly simple. We can remove warts by either freezing, burning off or cutting away. Which method is used will be determined by our wart removal doctor and discussed with you at your consultation.

Does this procedure leave a scar?

You may have a small scar where the wart used to be. However, we try to minimise scarring as much as possible, and your scar will generally look far less noticeable than the wart itself.

Is it safe to remove a wart?

We will inspect your wart before attempting to remove it. We won’t perform a removal procedure if we don’t deem it safe to do so. If we are concerned about the lesion we can remove it and send it for histology (additional costs apply).

At Dr Leah Clinics, you’re in safe hands

Meet the Dr Leah Clinics Team

Dr Leah Totton
Medical Director
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Dr Deepa Panchalingam
Associate Medical Director
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Dr Sidra Shakir
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Mariam Michail
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Cian McLoughlin
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Dara-Chameli Seebaran Suite
Senior Cosmetic Doctor
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Dr Nazish Mansoor
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Dr. Jenny Theodorakopoulou
Plastic Surgeon
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Katie Barrett
Head Aesthetic Therapist
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Jenna Drew
Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Rasa Cernova
Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Ewa Skowron
Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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Seyhan Seklizer
Advanced Aesthetic Therapist
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*Results may vary from person to person

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Our skin therapist will respond via email within 2 working days with a suitable recommendation for you. Please note that doctor treatments e.g. injectables, aqualyx, thread lift, mole removal consultations are not available via remote consultation and require a face to face appointment. Call 0207 877 5999 to book a consultation with one of expert doctors today.
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